
    Sephiroth; any long time gamer who hears this name instantly knows who you are talking about. Sephiroth is the main antagonist in Final Fantasy 7, in fact he is the sole reason for every event in the game. A top ranking member of Soldier, Shinra's elite military branch, Sephiroth was lauded as not only a war hero but the strgonest member of the group. Sephiroth was born to Professor Hojo and Lucrecia Cresecnt some twenty six years before the events of the game. During development Professor Hojo injected Jenova cells directly into Lucrecia's womb, where they would perfectly merge with Sephiroth as he developed. The result produced later lead Shinra to approve of the funding of Project S within the Jenova Project; the end result of which was Soldier.

    Cloud Strife first met Sephiroth on a mission for Soldier. Sephiroth had been ordered to inspect the Mako REactor at Mt. Nibel amd had been dispatched with a small group of troops: Zack Fair, another Soldier 1st Class, and several Shinra Military Police units; one of which happened to be Zack's firend Cloude Strife. Upon reaching the reactor Sephiroth witnesses the labors of Hojo's research, sickly mutated humans who had been transformed by lengthy exposure to Mako directly from the reactor. Sephiroth becomes unnerved at seeing this, thinking that he was created in the same fashion.

    When they return to Nibelheim, Sephiroth locks himself in the basement of Shinra Mansion where he finds many books on the subject of genetic manipulation with Jenova cells; in short books on the Jenova Project. Sephiroth learns about Jenova and the Ancient race of huminoids called the Cetra. From this he interprits that Jenova was the last remaining Cetra and that by extension he was one as well.

    It is now that the events of Final Fantasy 7 are set in motion. While reading Sephiroth finds that, based on his interpritation of the material, humanity left the Creta to fend off a great calamity that fell from the skys on their own. Furious, Sephiroth rushes out of the mansion and vows vengance for his people. His first act was to set the town of Nibelheim on fire, he then heads to the Mt. Nibel reactor to revocer his Mother's body.

    Followed by Cloud, Tifa, Tifa's Father, and Zack, Sephiroth cuts down anyone in his way. He kills Tifa's Father and leaves his sword by the body. When Tifa arrives she grabs the Masamune and attacks Sephiroth with it. Sephiroth cuts Tifa down and he also easily overcomes Zack, who is thrown fromt he chamber. Cloud grabs up the Buster Sword and catchs Sephiroth off guard. Thinking to have beaten him, Cloud tends to Tifa. Sephiroth, still clining to his life through his hatred, cuts off Jenova's head and makes to leave the reactor where he is again confronted by Cloud. Sephiroth impales Cloude with his sword but drawing on some unknown source of strength Cloude uses the Masamune as a fulcrum and leverages Sephiroth off of the walkway and tosses him into the exposed Life Stream down below in the deepest reaches of the reactor.

    It was widely accepted that Sephiroth had died at this point. Shinra sealed his files and rebuilt Nibelheim, filling it with paid actors. However Sephiroth endured, his willpower was too strong for the Life Stream to overcome him. He now waits somewhere in the world, waiting for his chance to exact his vengence on the humanity that turned its back on his race.