1.2: What Is In It For Me From Breeding Chocobos?
Do you really need a reason other then working with Chocobos?! ...Well fine, there are certain perks. Remember how I said earlier that there are said to be different breeds? Well they are instrumental to what I have just stated.

They say there are five types of breedable Chocobos: Normal (Yellow ones), Mountain (Green ones), River (Blue Ones), Mountain and River (Black Ones), and the fabled Ocean Chocobo (Gold Ones). I have only ever seen the rare breeds at the Chocobo Races.

These special breeds allow you to travel over normally unpassable terrain depending on their type. Green ones let you go over mountains, Blue's across rivers, the Black ones allow you to travel across any terrain except for oceans, while the Golden ones can cross almost any terrain.

There are also rumors of special materia hidden away in inaccessable caves that can only be reached with Chocobos; but it is just a myth.