Air Buster

You start off the battle surround Air Buster on each side, but do not take that advantage for granted. His attacks are pretty strong but there in lies the key to his defeat; they build up the party's limit breaks much faster then they bash away at their HP.

Attacking Air Buster's back with limit breaks will make for a very quick battle, in fact if you use Barret's and Cloud's limit breaks you may be able to finish him off in one turn. If your limit break meters are not full stick to normal attacks and bolt, this boss takes double damage from lightning attacks, as much as possible. Air Buster has strong attacks, but they are not so strong as to kill any of your party members so long as you keep their hp high.

In the end Air Buster digs it's own grave by having really strong attacks, they fill up the party's meters fairly quickly and by showing his back to your team it opens itself up to extra damage.