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This is a list of every corporation, or entities that produce items, within the Space Crusade universe. This list will include founding and collapse, if applicable, dates, headquarters locations, descriptions, board names, and patents for each corporation.

Calamity Series: Krogart

Muso Galexicon

Founding Date: AD 6045

CEO: Yrnt Ulrsb

Board of Directors: Jil Nevar, Rosth Grenol, Vestr Cnbe, Eldo Werst, and Brady McPher

The Muso Galexicon is a tight nit faction of weapons and ship manufacturers. One of the newest trade conglomerates they control a great deal of the weapons trade within the Trite, and Belro empires as well as some within the Earth Alliance. They are infamous for their hostile business practices and their active pursuit of patents through less then conventional, if not illegal, means. They have a vast pool of resources and have produced several highly innovative products. The board of directors consists of the CEO's of five different corporations and is headed by Yrnt Ulrsb, a defected Sulikan military research savant responsible for their signature weapons series.


Ravager Missile series

Dredlock Missile series*

Talirath International War Council Weapons Development

Founding Date: AD 5210

Collapse Date: AD 6080

Director: High Admiral Rich Tekmoto

In the ever persistent race for arms supremacy that evolved during the last space age Cold War against the then Earth Alliance opposing coalition named SAHD, or Systems Against Human Dominance, the Talirath International War Council of Weapons Development was formed as a special sub-division of the Talirath intergalactic police force. This GLEF (Galactic Law Enforcement Federation) sanctioned division was responsible for many of the modern weapons of war currently in use by the development of propulsion technologies that move them. However they also have a signature weapons series of missiles. The division was dissolved in 6080 when GLEF stripped it of it's weapon's research grants. They still produce weapons but can no longer develop them.


Cruiser Missile series

Galt Foundation

Founding Date: AD 5420

Collapse Date: AD 5662

CEO: Ymir Vlekovich

The Galt Foundation was one of the few corporations built by the United Russian Planets Coalition. A subgroup of the Earth Alliance their products were known for their durability and destructive capabilities. However as the universe moved toward a more centralized economic system the URPC began to fall apart and with it many of its interests. Galt was the last to fall owing to its high number of customers however production issues and weapons recalls hammer the final nail into their coffin after their funding dried up. They were responsible for one of the most heavily used missile weapon for the next three generations, the Warhawk.


Warhark Missile series

Pelten Faction

Founding Date: AD 5900

CEO: Gnlin Retnu

The Pelten Faction was born out of the need for more competitors to the major weapons factories. It was a small upstart company originally operated by only ten individuals. However after they attained some fame Gnlin seized an opportunity and bought up the patents to the Warhawk missile weapon series left abandoned after the Galt Foundation collapsed. With these patents the Pelten Foundation found themselves awash in xarn as their redesigns of the weapon became very popular. The foundation is now comprised of fifty thousand factories on a thousand worlds and is considered one of the largest weapons manufacturers around.


Warhawk Missile series*

Shuho Corporation

Founding Date: AD 4850

CEO: Tetsuno Shuho

The Shuho corporation is one of the oldest still in existence since the great market collapse of 4920 when weapon material production was cut off entirely when the now extinct Klog dynasty embargoed all shipments through their empire. Many companies folded during that time due to lack of income but the Shuho corp. has various other methods of funding and does not rely directly on weapons income for its continued survival. The corporation is run as a family enterprise passed down from father or mother to son or daughter. They take a great pride in the quality of their work and have profited greatly from it with military contracts with many empires. They product many different weapons and even some ships due to these numerous contracts. Their personal family wealth is estimated to be greater then ten trillion xarn and their company is worth several times that.


Artemis Theta Ship series

Bloodhawk Missile series

Lightron Blaster laser series

Lansig Corporation

Founding Date: AD 5010

CEO: Lansig Kumarth

Lansig is a weapons manufacturer of the highest rapport. They are the makers of the Serpent Missile series and also creators of new methods of strengthening plutonium to new and unheard of levels of destruction. The current CEO's great great great great grand father built the company from a basic parts manufacturer into the entity it is this day. However the company passed through other family's hands before the Kumarth family regained control of it fairly recently. They are, to this day, the only company to be awarded the Felton Award for the past two centuries.


Neko bomb series

Neopryte Bomb series

Pyre Laser series

Serpent Missile series*

Tesla Incorporated

Founding Date: AD 3015

Collapse Date: AD 4980

CEO: Nicoli Tesla the XXII

Tesla Incorporated were the visionaries of the 31st century and led the field in many discoveries that pushed the boundaries of science to their limits during that time. In their early years they were responsible for inventing new ways of folding warp space to allow for greater speeds to be reached, that discovery alone propelled them to be compared to such heights as Archimedes and Leonardo Da Vinci in the ancient Earth era. However as technology became increasingly complex Tesla failed to keep up pace with the discoveries made by other competing institutions and after many set backs trying to create a device capable of instantaneous travel from one point to another lost their grants, tenure and collapsed into history when they were bought out by the Angel Foundation. They had several weapons series under construction and were responsible for the Planet Cracker, one of the most devastating bombs created in the late 50th century.


Planet Cracker Bomb series

Angelus Missile series

The Angel Foundation

Founding Date: Unknown, first public reference in 4980

CEO: Gerald

Not much is known about the Angel Foundation. They are a secretive group that pays bribes to various Intergalactic agencies for immunity from standard operating practices such as submitting income documents and other disclosures of information. This had lead many conspiracies that they conduct highly illegal research or are a secret branch of GLEF that conducts unethical experiments. Besides the rumors almost nothing is known about this corporation other then that they bought out Tesla Incorporated in 4980. Much of the staff from Tesla was migrated into the Angel foundation when the buy out occurred but not one of them has ever spoken out about what they do there. The CEO is known to the public only as Gerald, if this is in fact his real name is unknown and he has never been seen adding to the cloak and dagger conspiracy theories that swarm around this organization.

Known Patents

Angelus Missile series

Sulikan Military Complex

Founding Date: Unknown

Director: Fisk Yutran

It is unknown when the Sulikan empire was founded so an exact date of when their military was created is unattainable however it is clear from their actions that they have always been a warring species. The Sulikan favor complete brutality over anything in their weapons designs and their signature weapon of choice displays that in droves. The Spine missile series are some of the most vicious weapons ever design and are made to rip a ship to shreds with minimal effort. They have become a mainstay with many outlaw and pirate groups who favor quick kill and snatch operations as these missiles can penetrate all but the thickest armor plating.


Spine Missile series

InterGal LLC

Founding Date: AD 5980

Collapse Date: AD 6095

CEO: Lyman Getyn

InterGal LLC was the manufacture of one product, however it was very popular. The Dredlock missile series was home to some of the most acclaimed weapons of the 61st century. They produced the weapon up until 6095 with the advent of their Titan class weapon. This was because of a lawsuit filed against them by the Muso Galexicon. Muso claimed that it was the rightful possessor of the patent for the Dredlock series and won their case against InterGal. InterGal went bankrupt later that year and was bought out by MG. Proponents opposed to MG claim, to this day, that Muso hacked into the Galactic Intercommerce Department's Patent Archiving System and changed the title of the patents to Galexicon from InterGal. No evidence of this alleged hack was ever found leading many to claim that Muso bribed officials to look the other way.


Dredlock Missile series

Digger Incorporated

Founding Date: AD 5790

CEO: Temsis Rigaz

Digger Inc. is the producer of the aptly named Mole series missiles. Created in 5790, Digger Inc. has stubbornly held onto its profits to the detriment of subversive elements, such as the Muso Galexicon, who would like nothing better than to see the company fail and release their hold on their surprisingly large portion of the weapons market. It is unknown what about the Mole series garners such loyalty and consumerism but the weapon has been very successful until a few decades back. This was rectified by a redesign of the mechanics of the weapon series and now it is back at its normal popularity.


Mole Series


Founding Date: Unknown

CEO: Ursakobi

Not much is known about Helfang. It is a corporation in name only, no official documentation has ever been submitted by a group going by this name. Nonetheless Helfang produces one of the most popular missile brands ever created; the AP series. AP, which stands for armor piercing, rose to power during the Eight Years war between the Ea and the Sulikan Empire. It is favored by cut throats and other such miscreants as a means to quickly take out cargo ships. Helfang itself is considered by the Intergalactic community to be nothing more than a conglomeration of loose-knit gangs with manufacturing capacities likely resulting from conquered factories, however some elements of political society are wary of them due to the large sums of Xarn they scrape in each year from sales of their illegal weaponry. Even so nothing can be done about it, the problem was ignored by the Talirath for too long and now even pilots within the Talirath use the weapons; enforcement of the illegal weapons ban in this case would be all but impossible.

The leader of Helfang is largely unknown although his or her name is one bit of information that is publicly traded; Ursakobi. No one knows if this name has any meaning but there are rumors that this person could be of Majort descent. Majort is a long thought extinct alien race whose sole philosophy was Natural order, the strong preying on the weak. It was said that once their empire stretched across half of the known Galaxy due to the might of their genetic breeding through weeding out the meek but inexplicably their race vanished over the course of several centuries. The reason this rumor is so widespread is that in Majort mythology there was told of an ancient predator that was only found on their home planet of Greslib, now destroyed. It was akin to a dragon of Earth mythology however much larger and much more aggressive. It was said this beast could destroy entire nations and that it took ten thousand of the strongest Majort warriors to take it down. The creature's name was Ursakobi.


AP Series

Earth Alliance Military Weapons Research and Development; Division 8 Special Projects

Founding Date: Unknown Collapse Date: AD 6109

Director: Unknown

Not much was known about this shadow division of the Earth Alliance weapons research and development arm until 6150 when the Tras Conglomerate picked up the patents for the Warpigeon weapon series. In the public records pertaining to the patent it had been released from ownership in 6109 and so many associate this date with the breakup of Division 8. No public statement has been made by the Earth Alliance about what Division 8 was responsible for and this has fueled a firestorm of conspiracies ever since it came to the attention of the general public. Due to the sophistication of the Warpigeon missiles and bombs, especially for the time period, many have come to suspect that Division 8 was a top secret research group responsible for many of the modern inventions many take for granted that resulted from investment by the Earth Alliance government into technology research.


Warpigeon Series

Tras Conglomerate

Founding Date: AD 6140

CEO: Gustav Wlindtr

Board of Directors: Rivsnr Glimfang, Rimmj Ahjil, and Yvvn Rkksn

The Tras Conglomerate was formed in 6140 by a group of friendly trade empire CEOs. Each member corporation has a specific area of expertise and trades in only that area. Together they form the Tras Conglomerate, one of the largest trading conglomerates of the 61st Century. While they trade in many areas, one area they have only just broken into is the weapons trade. To date they only have one patent registered with GLEF and the Talirath International War Council Weapons Control Board, also known as the TIWC; the Warpigeon missile and bomb series. These are very popular weapons and demand for them has not faltered for the past six decades. Originally created and produced by the Earth Alliance Military Weapons Research and Development Division 8, Tras picked up the patents in 6150, ten years after it was formed.


Warpigeon Series *


Founding Date: AD 4205

CEO: Yotomoko Fujin

Fujin is a competitor to the Shuho dynasty. While it does not have the success story that its rival does it still does well with its sales of products ranging from medical devices to weaponry. Its most notable, and still produced weapon is the Hellstorm missile series. It is a top selling item due to its unique incorporation of EMP and other EM disruption devices that work together to create what is formally called a Shield Buster. Being the first weapon of this type it is immensely popular and the profits from the sales of this weapon easily pay for the rest of Fujin's proceedings. Fujin is yet another family owned dynasty currently headed by the seventy ninth heiress Yotomoko Fujin.


Hellstorm Series

Mobeulous Foundation

Founding Date: AD 5820

CEO: Blunhrid Preskovy

Mobeulous is yet another entity in the string of mysterious weapons producers. Better known than most but still shadowed in enough mystery to become the target of conspiracy theorists, it is known for its singular weapon series, the Serpent. For some reason when the patent become expired the Foundation did not renew and instead it was bought by Lansig. This fueled talk that an under the table deal was cut between the two entities. Since then Mobeulous has dropped off the radar and has not produced any new weapons, causing a short lived firestorm of conspiracy theories about their actions.


Serpent Missile Series

TODO: Finish this page

asterisk indicates patent acquisition through buyout.